This 40 Day Message Prep Course is for anyone who can identify with one or more of the following statements:

  • I pastor a church
  • I lead a Bible study
  • I am a pastor’s spouse
  • I facilitate small groups
  • I lead my own ministry
  • I dream of being in the ministry one day
  • I speak at Christian retreats, conferences, etc.
  • I am a youth pastor, children’s pastor, assistant pastor, or on church staff
  • I am a Bible college student training for the ministry
  • I am a Christian who has an interest in how messages are prepared
  • I have had to teach myself message prep (no one knows it), but desire training
  • I have experience presenting messages, but want to gain a different perspective in order to bring never ending improvement to my message prep
  • I don’t want to butcher the Word of God, but prepare messages like a spiritual neurosurgeon – both the butcher and neurosurgeon use knives, but because of training, the neurosurgeon has much greater skill, accuracy, and precision

Dr. Jamie Morgan has prepared and preached over 1,200 life-changing messages from Genesis to Revelation on every imaginable topic. She is a skilled practitioner of the Word of God, has the wisdom of a pastor, the heart of an evangelist, the fire of a revivalist, the boldness of a prophet, and the theological accuracy of a Bible scholar. In addition, Dr. Jamie Morgan has sat under the message prep teachings of some of the most anointed ministers and professors of our day. And now she wants to pour into you what she has learned through her online “40 Day Message Prep Course.”

Some of the topics addressed in the “40 Day Message Prep Course:”

  • Inviting the Holy Spirit into your message prep
  • How to choose your message topic and title
  • Understanding the different types of messages
  • The importance of planning the altar call – or desired outcome
  • Questions to ask yourself to help your message develop properly
  • How to focus your message for great impact
  • The proper use of illustrations
  • The practical side: from how to hold a microphone to good pulpit manners
  • The importance of researching the host church and audience
  • Selecting the best reference and resource books and tools
  • The proper use of visual aids
  • How to determine your life’s message
  • Speaking to the heart of the listener and not just their head
  • Time, organization, and project management for future messages
  • Tips on improving your delivery
  • How to step onto the platform with confidence

What is included in this online “40 Day Message Prep Course:”

  • 40 days set apart to intentionally focus on message prep
  • Six (6) instructional message prep video teachings, one for each week, on a wide variety of message prep topics
  • Approx. 6 hrs. of teaching on every imaginable aspect of message preparation
  • Be challenged, inspired, and encouraged to go to your next message prep level

Course Curriculum

  Module One
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Two
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Three
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Four
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Five
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module Six
Available in days
days after you enroll

"I mentor eternally-minded, trailblazer Christians, in pursuit of their unique calling, to set the world ablaze for Jesus Christ."

Tuition for Course