Healing From Shame
Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand the destinies derailed of countless Christians (including ministers) due to shame. One of the most powerful and devastating emotions in the world is shame, but many don't know they are battling it. Guilt says, “I made a mistake.” Shame says, “I am a mistake.” Shame believes that one’s being is flawed and that one is defective as a human being. Shame is unbearable. It acts as a corrosive agent to strip away who God has made you. No other emotion better portrays Hell more than shame. It acts as a demonic security blanket by becoming your identity. Shatter the shackles of shame off of your life once and for all!
Healing from Shame - Curriculum
I mentor eternally-minded, Spirit-filled women, in pursuit of their unique calling, to blaze trails and set the world ablaze for Jesus Christ.